Professional Christian illustrators may use the contact form for future consideration. We pay by royalties only. We provide the contractual agreement.

  • Microsoft Word Only
  • Format paragraphs with a first-line indent
  • Double-spaced
  • Times New Roman
  • 12pt font
  • Chapter headers do not need an indent, and capitalized but not all caps.
  • DO NOT INSERT special formatting (e.g., bold, underlines, tabbing, emojis, images, charts, etc.) 
  • If you have images (not illustrations), you can insert [image] into the manuscript where the image will go, but the placement is subject to change. We will request the images later.
  • Be prepared to turn in any research-worthy supporting documents for any facts you have quoted in your manuscript.

If you have illustrations, they must pass the publisher's approval. We will request this from you after reading the manuscript. We only accept professional illustrations and illustrators. 

I have Illustrations for my book
Manuscript Format
Do you accept briefs from Christian illustrators?
What is Devotional Realistic fiction?

This is realistic, everyday life fiction, but each chapter teaches a moral founded upon a KJV Scripture to help children to understand righteousness. All the chapters together can cover one theme topic like “aspects of friendship” or “aspects of hard work.”

Story Theme Example: Aspects of Friendship

Chapter 1: Bear One Another's Burdens

Chapter 2: A Three-Fold Cord is Not Easily Broken

Chapter 3: Weep With Those Who Weep

Each chapter has a lesson that builds upon the theme by using the main character's personal actions or experiences. The story may also have one protagonist experiencing a new lesson or the protagonist may switch in each chapter (e.g., each sibling learns a lesson.)

Devotional realistic fiction stories are excellent devotionals for children. Many adults read devotionals, children can also read them through an applied adventure. If you write a DRF, the stories must be scripturally accurate supporting God's intended plan for family, honoring thy mother and father, modest, godly living, and building a love of scriptural application that helps children to avoid temptation and apply the armor of God .